not your typical acupuncturist’s blog


Prior to becoming an acupuncturist, I was ravenous for information on the medicine.

I scoured the early aughts internet for anything I could find, but there were too many missing pieces. Tragedy struck the psychology lab I worked in, and I made the decision to switch from helping people through a western lens to helping people through an eastern lens.


Now, I get to write some of that content that I had hoped to find…

…and it turns out that a decade into practice, what I write about is not at all what I would have expected from myself back then… and that’s ok. I think some of it is better, because rather than being an encyclopedia of acupuncture knowledge, this blog views life through the lens of Chinese medicine, which helps you understand better how it can help you in your everyday life.

xo, Chryssa


Well Collab Acupuncture Well Collab Acupuncture

Utilizing acupuncture in the management of post-viral sequelae.

no, i didn’t author a study.

Catchy name though, right?

I just think it’s important to think about the utilization of folk medicine and standardized versions of what we consider “alternative” medicine when it comes to the basic maintenance of our meat suits.

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Well Collab Acupuncture Well Collab Acupuncture

your face, the storyteller.

When faced with change (even something seemingly small, like relaxing a habitual facial expression) the nervous system often reacts with fear and rigidity. It perceives the unfamiliar as a threat. However, discomfort doesn’t always mean that something is wrong; it’s often an indicator of growth, especially within a safely held space.

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Well Collab Acupuncture Well Collab Acupuncture

“So, how did you become an acupuncturist?”

Many of my current patients met me blonde — it’s how I’ve been most of my postpartum life — so now that I’m back to my natural color, I get the question, “Why did you choose to go so dark??” a LOT.

And the truth is, my hair has always been a reflection of the way I navigate life: a little chaotic, deeply intuitive, and rarely in a straight line. Every new shade or style has marked a transformation — of how I see myself, of what I’ve learned, and of the direction I’m moving toward. Becoming an acupuncturist was no different. It’s been a winding path, full of detours and reinventions, but looking back, I can see it all had to happen this way.

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Well Collab Acupuncture Well Collab Acupuncture

I'd say let's talk about the elephant in the room...

It's a lot of wildly swinging hormones, for a lot of women in their late 30s and into their 40s (and 50s!).

That is a huge rotating portion of the population and yet most women are left in the dark about this inevitable period of time in their lives.

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Well Collab Acupuncture Well Collab Acupuncture

Damp Heat, you MoFo.

To be clear: this doesn’t mean shirking comfort! In fact, this is a an attempt to find more comfort in things. The more flexible you are with your definition of what it means to be physically comfortable, the more comfort you’re actually going to feel.

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Well Collab Acupuncture Well Collab Acupuncture

Earth-Centered Medicine

This mirrors the philosophical idea of “as within, so without” — as within meaning what’s going on inside of you, so without meaning what’s going on outside of you.

It’s not a perfect theory, but it’s a lens you can use as a tool to help center where you are and how your environment affects you: for instance, do you surround yourself with people who let you stay petty, or do your people challenge you to make yourself better? Do you exist in an environment that smothers you, or is it one that allows you to thrive?

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Well Collab Acupuncture Well Collab Acupuncture

Consistency is not exciting, and why routine gets a bad rap.

A small way around this can be to engage in what's called microproductivity: where you break larger tasks down into smaller, more manageable bits.

When you do this, you reduce overwhelm and increase your odds of not procrastinating yourself into oblivion.

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Well Collab Acupuncture Well Collab Acupuncture

Boosting Immunity

As an acupuncturist, I’m going to break down the spirit of what “boosting” immunity means. No, it doesn’t mean making your immune system so robust that it starts attacking itself: it means looking at your living self as the system that you are, acknowledging the interconnectedness, and using those facts as basic tenets of living in your body before reading any further.

I’ll wait.

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Well Collab Acupuncture Well Collab Acupuncture


Breathwork at Well Collab Acupuncture is not:

Easy, lol. Because it is work, and I don’t want you to think that you’re breathing softly and mindfully for 10-15 minutes and that’s it. There are meditations like that; this just isn’t one of them.

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Fashion Well Collab Acupuncture Fashion Well Collab Acupuncture

Microdosing on Presence.

So even the ways we ground ourselves — cultivating yin, which is the flip side of yang — are actually, pretty ironically, still very yang in the framework of their nature.

Hour long meditations. Using relaxing melody apps on your phone. Hour long relaxing melody apps on your phone… while you get acupuncture.

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Photography Well Collab Acupuncture Photography Well Collab Acupuncture


Like anything where you learn, acupuncture treatments have a layering effect.

Treatment one is lesson one with a teacher.

Treatment ten is lesson ten.

You are much smarter after ten lessons than you were after one, believe me.

Signed, your teacher.

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Well Collab Acupuncture Well Collab Acupuncture

That Time We Almost Adopted a Costa Rican Dog... Together.

In 2016, Well Collab Acupuncture started as Acupuncture of Tarrytown: a collaborative project between two best friends who had weathered living together in a railroad apartment in Brooklyn and figured… we could do pretty much anything together, after that experience.

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